Am I going up hills in the right gear?

I drive a 1994 53 Ft. When I go up hills in the mountains, I have to use the 2nd gear.

Other trucks are flying by me.

I feel like I am burning a lot of gas because of my high rev. I tried it in 3rd gear but it cuts off.

what can I or should I do if anything?

Thank you.

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Dec 30, 2022
Its a 1994 what?
by: The Crazy Trucker

Well how many horsepower and how much weight are you hauling? And what grade are you climbing?

Or is that a 53ft Camper?
And is it a diesel engine?

Maybe you are in the right gear for the horses and weight. If you're not overheating you must be doing it right.

However, if the temperature is going up too high you might need to run lower rpm.

My concern though is you must be CREEPING on that hill. If the shoulder is wide enough, you may want to ride it if permitted.

You also might be in a vehicle not designed to run where you're running with the weight you're hauling.

So if this is a regular haul that you're going to be doing, you might want to upgrade your equipment.

If you're in a camper, you might want to stop at a diesel mechanic shop that specialized in RVs and see what can be done. Or if gas engine obviously to a shop that works on gas engines.

Maybe your horsepower can be turned up.

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