Amazon Allow Us to Book a Load Then Said No You Can't Pick it Up

by The Crazy Trucker
(North Carolina)

Make up your mind Amazon

Make up your mind Amazon

I took a trailer back to K and L trailer leasing in Knoxville. I found a power only load near Knoxville that took me to Spartanburg SC.

After I delivered the next morning, I asked him if it would be OK if I parked on the side of the lot while looking for another load.

He said no problem. “Sure, you can park over there, or over there or over there or heck you can park right there behind the trailer."

Well, I parked on edge of the lot and had my dispatcher to see if Amazon had any power only loads coming out of Spartanburg. They didn’t.

They had a few out of Columbia and Charlotte.

I said, I would pass on those, and I would look for a power only on DAT load board myself.

Well, I didn’t see anything I liked. So I called him back and we checked Amazon again, basically the same loads were there, and reluctantly I went for the Charlotte late evening pickup and deliver that night with an extra stop in between.

I think the rate was $400 for about 100 miles with one stop but it took me right to the house.

Now, I didn’t want to take the load really, but I just felt like I needed to take it. I felt like I was going against my intuition to take the load when I didn’t want to. But I decided to take it anyway.

I figured, since I would be turning in my trailer next, I might as well go ahead and follow through with the process because there will likely be lots of Amazon loads that I actually want to take. And it had been years since I ran Amazon loads.

Well, the app let him book the load. But then it wouldn’t let him assign a driver to the load. It said he had no verified drivers. So I coached him through adding a driver and the steps to verifying me because he said it didn’t let him edit the current drivers.

I then went checked email and saw the invitation from him to accept verification. However, first I had to update my relay app. Found out a lot had changed on my end as well.
I needed upload license information, truck information and photo identification. Then I saw that it would take 1 to 4 days for the verification to be complete.

Still under review as of this writing. Stay tune to my youtube or website at for updates on that.
But we are not at a dilemma. I’m booked on a load but I’m not verified yet. It’s about 11 am and the load picks up at 2 p.m.

I told my dispatch to get in touch with someone and let them know what happened. Basically the app let him book a load without having an eligible driver to assign it to.
Which is a sign of
poor programming in my opinion but that’s neither her nor there at this point. I just wanted resolution.

Even if I can’t get verified so I can run the load, I didn’t want it to be a service failure of not picking up the load because I couldn’t get verified in time to get it.
So meanwhile I headed to Charlotte thinking it would get straightened out by the time I stop at the Loves in Charlotte to take a shower.

Doug called back before I could get there saying he couldn’t get any help and couldn’t even understand the lady in customer support.

Shame on you Amazon. It’s pointless to have customer support if their English can’t be understood and their comprehension is that poor. He said she couldn’t understand what he was explaining about what happened because she kept giving a response that was generic and would just say, cancel the load. He tried to ask if there was a way to manual review, etc etc etc and she would keep saying just cancel the load.

Only thing it seem she understood was he can’t get verified or take the load we don’t know if she understood what happened.
Then in the app, if forced him to choose the reason for cancelling.

None of the reasons were relevant. There was a comment or note box but it would reject each time he tried to write something.

He was going to choose the reason as being because the pay was too low. I didn’t like that statement or many of them others because the logical question would be you booked the load knowing the information that you provided as the reason for cancelling. That would not look good.

The only option that worked which didn’t seem as bad was a medical emergency. Because that is something that could not have been know prior to booking.

So I head on toward the house empty because it was Friday and nearing rush hour and my last stop to check for a power only would be in Salisbury NC.

At this point, I just wanted to be at the house end up day and possibly run something local with my trailer on Friday night or Saturday morning. Because Saturday evening, I had a birthday party to attend.

As I was driving, I was thinking, I’m glad I took that load because that is exactly what I wanted to do was test out the process so when there is a load I really want, there would be no surprises.

That’s when I realized something. Taking this load was awesome! Because we uncovered this kink in the chain of logistics planning! And I still didn’t have to run this load and mess with Charlotte during rush hour!

Now the only thing we have to find out about is if there is some type of ding or feedback about us having a poor service quality for canceling that load.

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