An absent love

by Patricia Renteria
(El Paso, TX)

Well where should I begin? I'll start with the love i have for my absent husband because without the love I would not be here.

He wasn't always a truck driver and the decision to become one was 10 years ago when he lost his job at a food plant he worked at for almost 16 years. Well although those days of him coming home every night and home on the weekends seem so long ago, i still remember how much time we spent together and how we enjoyed being with each other. 10 years later 5 kids and one on the way, my goodness how did we manage to survive?

I do have great respect for him venturing into a business that he knew nothing about and managing to survive through failures that every business goes through. To him I owe great gratitude for not giving up when so many times he wanted to.

I could not imagine what it would be like to be away from my kids and miss their b-days and special moments that only come once in their life time yet he has for many years. But still there are days filled with resentment and anger.

I miss him, i always miss him. My days are filled with more activities that i can handle, but like so many moms we manage. Thank god for children they are so remarkable, my children are my support and there are times i learn from them.

There are those challenging days but you learn to develop a sense of humor. You might not believe this but im good through out the day i have learned patience and like i said laughter is good ,but nights when they are sleep so comfortable in their beds, that's when my time comes.

A little chat with my husband before he goes to bed, that's only if he is in the same time zone as me if not i am on my own. Feelings of loneliness come and yearning for the touch of his loving arms, once again this love i so desire is absent.

There are times when i want to call it quits but I love him and there is no crime in a man who steps up to the plate and provides for his wife and children.

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Mar 21, 2010
welcome :)
by: Jennifer S

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

So good to hear the positive. I remark on it all the time. It is so hard in the industry as it is for our men, but just as hard, if not harder on our wives.

Your positive attitude, your "go at it" attitude, and keeping busy is the key.

have you joined our facebook? Hervy, I (Jennifer Schnittker), and Marni Jones opened it to give women somewhere else to have their voice, to find support and to build strong friendships. No one understand the struggles like another truckers wife.

Please join us, I think you would enjoy it

Jennifer S

Mar 17, 2010
trucking relationships that last
by: Hervy

Thanks for that post about your trucking relationship Patricia. I am sure it will give someone just a little more strength and will to keep working at theirs a little longer.

When you start out with the right two people and the right mindset things can work out as you have shown.

Doesn't mean it will be easy but they can work. Hope things get easier and easier as time goes on and that your family continue to be blessed.


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