Answering a call on the CB or initiating a conversation

What words do you say when you answer a fellow CBer on your radio?

What words do you use to start a new conversation with someone?

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Mar 15, 2009
C/B Talk
by: Jimmy

There is no formality needed on the c/b radio. If you are just wanting info or are broadcasting info, you just key up and talk, but keep in mind others are possibly talking already. If you have a certain truck in your sights and want to direct your conversation to that truck, you would address him by the name on his truck along with his direction of travel and even the mile marker, so he knows you are talking to him. If you just say "Hey Swift" for example, there may be 6 Swift trucks within a 5 mile radius that are hearing you.

If YOU are driving a truck and the name on the side says "Joe Schmoe trucking", when someone says "How about that west bound Joe Schmoe truck", you key up and say "yeah, go ahead" and start conversing. If you think it will be a drawn out conversation, go to another channel so as not to "Hog" that channel. There are 40 channels, right?

One more thing. Most c/b's have a range of about 4-5 miles. So if you are at Mile post 50, you should be able to get out 4-5 miles in either direction. If you are talking to a driver at M/M 54, well the driver back at M/M 46 can hear you but not the person you are talking to at M/M 54. Make sense? And then there's crowded truck stops where 100 drivers are trying to yap at the same time. Can you say Zoo? Also, turn your squelch all the way to the left. Jimmy

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