Any Free Cdl training for felons

by Patrick Hunter
(Olive branch Mississippi )

I have a felony is their anywhere I can go to school for free

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Dec 24, 2021
Double jeopardy and a loss to the trucking industry
by: John mccaughan

It's horse shit, I grew up in, on,and under my Dad's trucks and I was a real professional. I've hauled just about every thing, f/b d/v equipment on up to 9 axles and I don't qualify for the free price for the cdl because I did some time.

I just don't have the money for it because I just got out. I did 15 years for robbing a few banks. I paid my debt.

May 31, 2021
Free CDL Training
by: Hervy

Check with your local Workforce and Community College Patrick.

Even the unemployment office will sometimes have relationships with trucking companies or know of programs to help you get your CDL.

If you don't find something local, check out free CDl training school.

Ask them if what you have a felony for is a disqualifying offense.

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