Anyone else have issues with their man's dispatcher?


This dispatcher of the company that my boyfriend works for a damn ditz.... she sends him all over the place literally every week. He's supposed to be on a certain schedule and I think he has had the actual schedule once.

He is left sitting for hours at truck stops waiting for drop offs or pick ups left for a weekend sitting at a truck stop cause of a delivery that wasn't allowed to be delivered until the following Monday.

Quite frankly she pi$$es us both off... Anyone else have issues with their significant others dispatcher doing this? Or is he just working for a dud trucking company and we are all alone on this one?

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Aug 13, 2013
Dispatch Disaster NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband is new to trucking & my hubby has told me plenty of times that he's about to send his dispatcher to the moon so I think no matter what trucking company our men work for, it comes down to this - all dispatchers are all the same - they are complete ditz's. I know it's frustrating but I guess that is part of trucking!

Aug 13, 2013
Dispatch Disaster NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband is new to trucking & my hubby has told me plenty of times that he's about to send his dispatcher to the moon so I think no matter what trucking company our men work for, it comes down to this - all dispatchers are all the same - they are complete ditz's. I know it's frustrating but I guess that is part of trucking!

Jun 07, 2013
Dispatch Disaster NEW
by: Anonymous

My guy had the same experience with a dispatcher from jb hunt. It was a nightmare. I think it's a Blessing to work with people with sense.

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