Anyone here work for England Trucking? Need the straight scoop

by leemitchelson@gmail
(Flagstaff AZ)

Need to talk to someone who actually is employed by England and about obtaining/owning tractor through them. Are they for real or not?? What about the"Awards" program and getting a truck?

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Dec 15, 2010
truth about CR England
by: Anonymous

CR England Starts u off at a cheap motel that u share a room with another person. They give u a cheap breakfast and the rest is up to u. Make sure u bring food that u can make in the microwave.

They have a fridge in the room that u make the food in but none in the room. Make sure ur not late at all cuz the bus only comes once and a while dont miss it.

The cab takes forever to get there and it costs a fortune to get to the school. U go to school 7 days a week.

Make sure u have ALL the paper work u need or they will ship u back home the same day. If ur late for school they will also send u home. When u finnaly get hired they send u to a diff motel to wait for ur trainer to get there. This is all without pay!!!!

(My boyfriend had to wait 3 days till his trainer got there but some of the guys wait longer.) My boyfriend got stuck on a truck with his trainer and another guy. He has to sleep on the front seat pretty much.

I know it sounds bad but if they r the only ones that will hire u cuz u dont have the experiance then u have to go with them. The upside is that they have paperless logs and the schooling and training only lasts 3 months all together (less for lease drivers) that is less then if u go to a driving school.

Another upside is that after u take the schooling u r guaranteed a job threw CR England plus they have financial aid that everyone is approved for.
The biggest things I say is make sure u take FOOD, Clothes, Alarm clock.

Any questions u can email me

Dec 06, 2010
by: NickV

DO NOT GO TO CR ENGLAND!!!! NO MATTER WHAT! They will starve you out of your truck. Its pretty much setting yourself up for a total kick in the nuts. My advice is go somewhere else

Nov 15, 2010
Anyone here work for England Trucking? Need the straight scoop
by: Dennis Shipman

Read this article and make an informed decision. scams-in-trucking/

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