Anyone know if there is an O/O who would be willing to train.

Starting out in trucking seems like it sucks to be a noob. I've read so many forums, posts, books and almost all of it comes down to if you have a criminal record and or a driving violation your kind of SOL.

But then there are some people whom have both and make it. I have both and it seems like a daunting task. It seems easier to get my own authority off rip then making an attempt at a company driver.

Before anyone says anything about that i would like to note my Dad had his own authority and I used to ride with him years ago. Loved every second of it, the freedom, seeing the country,not being stuck at this restaurant day in day out that I currently am a GM at.

I would love to get advice from my Dad for him to show me the ropes of how he succeeded in this industry but im a little to late for that now. So my question is this, if I get my CDL are there O/O who would be willing to put me in their drivers seat for a month or two and teach me everything there is about the industry.

I wouldn't ask for pay as I would drive for free. Just looking at anyway possible to start my own business.

Thanks in advance for the help and support.

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Oct 06, 2021
Driver Training and post sap employment
by: Joseph Shelton

I am the Safety Compliance and Training Director of a small trucking company in Va. The owner and I have over 100 years experience in this industry, And we are a fresh start company. Which means just starting out or needing a second chance we will give you one. We both know that life happens, and mistakes happen. We don't hold your past against you and you work here you are Family. Feel free to call me (540)834-8640

Jan 02, 2019
Need cdl with criminal record?
by: Anonymous

You can't afford insurance if you buy a truck and have no experience. You'd need 10's of thousands of dollars just to get started.
An 0/0 won't train you because of Elogs and insurance. A couple of years ago one would, but those days are over.
Carolina Logistics - - will hire and train you for your cdl, but you must live in NC, SC, VA, TN.

Jan 01, 2019
by: Anonymous

Thanks, I have heard about Carolina Cargo. Just has some bad reputation. Just trying to avoid going that route. But if I cant find something better then ill be ok with it, as it would only be for couple of months.

I have the assets to start my own authority right now its just I only have book knowledge. Which from my understanding is hardly anything within this industry.

One other question. Starting out with my own authority I would be using a load board to build contacts with brokers. Do these brokers look at the length of time I have been in buesiness, experiance with a CDL, DMV record, criminal record, etc. to determine if they want me to haul the freight? Or would it be hard to find brokers off the laod boards that would accept a new driver?

Jan 01, 2019
The Restrictions are Getting More and More Relaxed
by: Hervy

Due to the lasting 'so called shortage' of truckers, actually companies are getting less and less strict on their requirements for hiring.

If your charges is more than 10 years ago many companies will hire you. If it is more than 5 not as many but still a lot will hire.

Some companies with some great training for O/O are Dart, Prime and Schneider. Some with easier hiring requirements are Swift, Carolina Cargo.

This company is supposed to offer training for becoming an Owner Operator. Don't know how good they are. Carolina Logistics.

Getting your own authority

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