Anyone tried tankwallet service? Is it worth it in long run?

by Jake.B

Hi all,

Does anyone here have any experience using tankwallet?

It’s supposed to cover you whenever the price of fuel goes higher than a price cap. I tried it for a few weeks and it seems good so far, but i’m wondering if anybody has used this thing for a longer period of time. I paid about forty bucks for one of their plans that covered me for a month and when all was said and done I received sixty-four dollars in total when it expired, but i’m curious if anyone here has any experience using for longer that just a month.

I've been asking around but so far nobody has gotten back to me. Thanks

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Jun 29, 2016
price cap plan? NEW
by: Anonymous

Are you talking about the price cap plan on their website? Looks interesting, might give it a try

May 03, 2016
Thanks for getting back to me NEW
by: Jake.B

Not sure you mean though, it’s not tied to specific fuel stops. I’m talking about the "TankWallet for Trucking" plans that they offer, pays out based on the DOE avg… I heard they have a consumer version… maybe being tied to specific stations was for that? All I know is I tried it for a month and I run mostly produce back and forth from Salinas, CA to Streamwood, IL, sometimes to Atlanta and it kept working on the side.

May 03, 2016
Looked in to it NEW
by: Anonymous

For an over the road trucker really don't see how it could help them.

I never know where I will be in a week. Hard to know where you I'll be fueling. Bit for the avg Joe that knows how to watch oil prices could work.

May 03, 2016
Never heard of it NEW
by: Anonymous


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