Are there any 3rd party companies that sponsor drivers trying to purchase a truck through lease with major companies?

by jazz
(Atlanta, GA, USA)

My husband has been driving trucks off and on for the past 8 years. For the past 2 years he has been to several companies trying to obtain a truck through their lease purchase program.

Each company ran him numerous miles, but deducted so many fees to where his check was $0. That's the main reason he has been to different companies.

Currently he caught a great deal with a company but he has not profit from driving for the past 12 weeks. The length of the lease and price for the truck is why he is still with this company.

We are just trying to find a company in the Atlanta Area that will sponsor us and he can pay them back on a monthly basis.

I'm pretty sure he can generate income if he did it that way.

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Mar 20, 2017
2 Companies come to mind that helps with leasing.
by: Hervy

Try Dart Transit who actually owns highway sales and Quality Leasing who deals with a list of carriers.

Tell them Hervy sent you from

Having said that, if he drove for a company for years then turned around and leased from them and hasn't made a profit. (yet you call it a great comapny...) I would like to talk to him to find out what has been going on to keep him from making a profit.

Also, if it is at all possible, I recommend going to dealership and buying a truck instead of leasing. His monthly payments will be cut in half.

That said, Dart does have older trucks well maintained with lower lease payments. Like $300 for used Volvo. That is not much higher than a nice Freightliner financed at the dealership.

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