Are there any trucking companies in Birmingham Alabama that hire ex felon after 5 years

I was convicted of burglary 3rd in 2012 went to prison and been out since 2014. Can i get job driving

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Jan 27, 2018
2nd chance companies NEW
by: Anonymous

Does the company have to be in Birmingham?
You could have gotten a trucking job the day you were released from prison if you have a cdl.
Do you have a cdl?
Did you attend cdl school.?
Do you have any experience?

I can probably give you the names of a dozen companies that will hire you.
I know of some drivers that attended cdl school while in prison, then went to work the day they were released.
They went to work for Carolina Cargo and PI&I Motor Express. Plenty more to choose from though.

Jan 26, 2018
Felon NEW
by: Anonymous

First off you are not an ex felon. You are still aa
Md will always be a convicted felon. Probably depends what your crime was but likely no reputable company would hire you

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