Are there many companies that allow you to drink on your 34 hour resets if you are in your own hotel and not operating the truck?

Are there many companies that allow you to drink on your 34 hour resets if you are in your own hotel and not operating the truck?

I know some do random alcohol testing and if u have had 1 drop in the last 80 hours they consider it a failed drug test and you will lose your CDL!

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Dec 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

It depends on ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY!

Does your company consider you to be "off-duty?" when they put you up in a motel?

What's the diff of being home or in a motel?

If you are off, you are off.

If you have a drinking problem, well that's yours and yours only to deal with.

This seems so logical to me. It makes me wonder why it doesn't to you and that you have to ask?

How many other decisions are tough for you in this industry?

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