Are there showers at truck stops?

by Dave

Do all truck stops have showers? Do you have to pay to use them?

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Jul 14, 2011
Showers for Professional Drivers
by: Vicki Simons

Hi, Dave,

Since truck stops vary in size, the number of showers they have may vary, too. My husband Mike and I have been in some truck stops so small that we wonder how they could even be used for fueling large commercial motor vehicles.

We were surprised to find one pretty good-sized truck stop in North Carolina that had so few showers for professional drivers (only 3 in the whole building). The waiting list -- and wait time -- for showers at places like that can get long. However, most truck stops do their best to make showers available as quickly as possible.

As we describe on our showers page
there are basically four different ways to obtain showers:
1. shower credit obtained when buying a minimum amount of fuel;
2. driver reward points;
3. cash; and
4. a combination of the three above.

There are also differences between truck stop showers. Some amenities are available at some chains but not others. We think that most truck stop owners want to provide well for their customers. However, we think that drivers should evaluate and document their shower experiences -- that is, provide a review -- so that management can improve where needed. We invite professional truck drivers to review showers here:

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons

Jul 14, 2011
truckstop tips and info
by: hervy

All full size or franchise truckstops and most others will have showers. You don't have to pay for using them is you get a certain amount of fuel from there or the franchise in any location within a certain period of time.

Other truckstop tips for you here....

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