As little as posible is best

by Shagg

One of the most important things a new driver needs to know about what to carry on the road is, less is best.

Keep in mind that if you didn't buy that truck out wright and have the title in your hand, then you work for someone who does.

Do not ever think they wont fire you for any thing they want to. You can be fired at any time, any where.

If or when this happens you will be on your own.
Ask your self, "If I lost my job today, how will I get me and all this stuff home?"

The first time this will hit you is when the truck breaks down and it takes you over an hour to change trucks. If you cant pick it all up and move it in one trip your probably carrying way to much stuff.

This is not meant to scare you it is to meant to prepare you for the inevitable. Most companies wont fire us out on the road, they want their truck back on their property so they don't have to pay a recovery guy.

Companies are not required to help you get home. Learn how to use your gps or smart phone to help you find the nearest Grey Dog,(Grey hound bus) station. By the way you can only take so much on the bus.

Take care and pas this on. If we don't take care of each other no one else will.

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Sep 15, 2013
yep NEW
by: Anonymous

i agree

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