at fault accident got fired will i be able to get unemployment

Made a u-turn car ran into trailer car hit in middle of the trailer cited for un safe turn.

Response: Don't know, call the unemployment agency.

trucking accidents

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Nov 02, 2012
Will you get paid unemployment
by: Anonymous

That depends on the state you live in. Even though you did pay into it you could still be denied due to the fact you were not laid off you were fired. You just have to apply for and see what happens I would not be waiting around to see what happens if I were you I would be filling out applications and being upfront with them about what happened you may find some willing to hire you as long as you don't have a record that shows a pattern of unsafe driving too many tickets most companies will hire you as long as the accident is within a certain time frame again you can apply for the unemployment but the odds are against you getting it.
Good luck

Jun 02, 2012
by: Helonwheels

If you (self employed) or the company paid into your unemployment benefits you may very well be able to utilize those funds that have been set aside for any time you do become unemployed.

Just because we get fired from a job does not necessarily make us ineligible for these benefits.

If there is a legitimate reason for being fired, such as accidents vs. being deliberate, if there is good cause or hardship you may very well be eligible as well.

The only way to find out is to call your local EDD and ask questions and answer their questions thoroughly and honestly and most of all do not take the first "No" they give, as there is an appeal process that may afford you those benefits after they have initially rejected your plea for benefits.

Good Luck! :)

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