At the end of my rope!!!

by Rhae and Fayes mom

My boyfriend and i have been living together for 2 years now and we have two beautiful little girls. We are blessed that he has a weekly dedicated run, so he's home one day a week.

My problem is when he finally gets home all he wants to do is sit around, watch t.v., and hang out with his friends and family. (Ll my friends and family are over 300 miles away). I'm unable to work because we have no one to watch the girls and i'm left alone with absolutely no help and no support!

I feel as if i mean nothing to him but a babysitter and a maid. When i try to explain how i feel, he gets defensive and says i don't understand. I do truly love him, but i desperately need a break from being the maid and "handyman".

My frustration level's have skyrocketed through the roof and my friends and family are telling me to leave him and come back home.

Any advise? I'm desperate before it's to late to salvage anything we could have left to save in our relationship

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Jun 03, 2010
ty hervy!!!!!
by: RhaeandFayesmom

thank you so much, we set and listened to the clip together when he was home last tuesday. Something in there must have hit home with him because these last two weeks have been amazing. For the first time in a long time we actually set and had a real conversation and this time it felt like he really listened. our relationship is still not perfect but it's getting better! i can't thank you enough for your help! it truely saved our relationship!

May 25, 2010
Try This.
by: Hervy

Hi hate to hear this once again.

So many times I hear the same similar scenario. Here is what I just told someone 20 minutes ago with the same problem as you.

Sorry you are going through this and you are so far from being alone that I spoke specifically to this on my new CD which I think will serve every woman well to give to their significant other.

Usually the guy is either self centered or he simply does not get it. Get it meaning don't understand how serious you are about this being a problem. He is unable to see it from your perspective. It may help to here it from a neutral source. Listen.

here is the track that he would benefit from hearing.

If you want to hear the complete CD go here...
taking trucking to the next level

May 25, 2010

it is tough being married to a truck driver i know i am one and being gone all week is tough on you he should want to spend time with you and the kids i could not blame you for leaving he has an obligation to you tell him and mean it show him the light

May 25, 2010
by: Anonymous

Get you and the girls in church and church activities with other children and moms

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