
by Audra Pina
(North Carolina)

I am in my 40's I have been married to my wonderful husband for 10 years. He is an OTR/OO. He is gone for weeks at a time. We have no children together. Life gets tough at times when everything is always left up to me.

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Nov 03, 2011
I am in same boat
by: Brigit

Hi, my bf is a truck driver as well, I am 44 and he is almost 51, he's been a driver for about 5 years and is gone for a couple weeks and home a few days and gone again. I usually do well with this, but there are times that I stuggle and looked online for some sort of support and found this... ; ) Just looking to connect with other women who understand and don't feel sorry for me, we are both adults and living the lifestyle for now... He is currently going from MS to MI, we live in MN. ; ) Brigit

Jul 21, 2011
by: Dale Burleson

You have just reached out to a very unique group of women. "Trucker's Wives "
Bill and I have been married 7 years, second marriage for both of us. Both former spouses are deceased.
We have grwon children but none live in the same
state as us or each other for that matter.
I divorced in 1997 and was on my won till 2004 when Bill and I married.
I was ok with he trucking, mainly because, not to sound hard, but I did not need a man to make me happy. I was happy, but Bill added to that happiness.

A Trucker's wife is a hard life, filled with lonely hours day and night, but the one thing I have found (and this was before when I was on my own)we have to build a life for ourselves. We have to have a reason for US to get through another day with out them. Believe me I know the having to take care of things on your own.
I am independant and I think you have to be to have a good life while they are gone.
Hobbies, volunteer work, a job, anything that gives YOU a feeling of being content and as happy as you can be. Being faithful, supportative to your man means a lot to him.
If you would like to talk more feel free to email and I am on Facebook
God Bless

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