Aussie Gal with Trucker man!

by Jodie
(Brisbane , Australia)

Hello, my name is Jodie, I am 28 and live in Queensland Australia. My partner Brendan has been a interstate driver for years but has just returned to work after 12mths off at home with loss of his licence!

We have been together just over 12mths now I am having to deal with the fact he is back chasing those white lines around the country! Honestly it's breaking my heart.

My father was a driver, my sister is a driver and my brother repairs semi's so I have been around rigs my whole life- the biggest issue is I am madly in love with a man who is out there doing a dangerous job- I know he is a great driver but it's a worry- everday I am reading about another fatal accident involving someone else's husband or father.

We don't have kids yet- I had laid down the law no more interstate if they come along- but getting these interstate boys to go local is not easy!

I trust my partner 100% so I am not concerned about the whole different chick in every town. Thank the lord for mobile phones. I turn to my sister for support as she understands perfectly as when she isn't driver her partner is away also. I enjoy the time to myself but gee I miss snugglin up with my man, often I am feeling around for him in bed only to realise he isn't there :-(

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Oct 29, 2009
hello Anonymous
by: Anonymous

I live not too far from you currently just near Logan but moving to Acacia Ridge this weekend! The thing that I find the hardest to deal with is the accidents out there. My man works driving fridge vans with Produce so its always go go go.
I guess as I come from a Trucking family its a little bit easier- I recall waiting for dad rig to pull into our street!

I go away with my man when I can but working full time its hard. Do you have kids? I guess I am lucky in that regard as we haven't yet- that would make things very interesting indeed!

We have pets instead and I guess they are my best companions and friends.

Oct 29, 2009
Same position in QLD
by: Anonymous

Hey also living in qld- Gold Coast, my partner has just gone back to interstate aswell... Where abouts in QLD r u from?? Would be great to know how ur handling it and what your doing to keep distracted

Oct 16, 2009
Welcome to life as a trucker
by: Jennifer S

Hi Jodie,

Robin is right in saying it is natural. We all miss our drivers terribly.

We now have a consistent support group that we would love for you to join. Its on facebook.

Here is the web url. We hope you will join us there ;)


Oct 15, 2009
Missing him and worrying are healthy....
by: Robin

I miss my husband so much when he's gone, too. But you have to distract yourself - concentrate on something else - hobbies, interests, friends, relatives....volunteer, take a will make it easier on him without the pressure of you needing him so much.

He knows you need him there, but it is so hard for them out there alone, too. It's dangerous, and they need to concentrate everything on staying safe so they can come home to you!

Plus, if you have other things going on you'll have more to talk about when you get a chance!! How long is he gone before he gets home again? These kinds of groups are perfect ways to vent to people who fully understand. Take care and vent away!!

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