I spend 95% of my day on the phone with mine. We mostly just hold the phone or argue bc there's only so much to talk about in a day. I get frustrated bc I feel like a hostage to this phone. He gets mad when I suggest get off the phone. When he's home we don't argue but soon as he leaves he gets started over the phone.
Sep 22, 2017 Rating
Silence is not always goldenNEW by: Anonymous
I keep 2 bluetooth headsets charged and ready as he calls me and we can be on the phone for hours while he drives. I do most of the talking and his input is mostly complaining about someone driving too slow or cutting him off. We have long periods of silence as I simply run out of things to talk about but I have found if I suggest we just get off the phone a while he sounds irritated, says "ok bye" and hangs up. I just let him decide when to end the call. As for the headset while I'm home on the phone, I find it easier to be hands free so I can still do things around the house, otherwise I get nothing accomplished. I wish he were more talkative but he is silent at home too.