Awesome trucking website

by Larry
(Lewistown, Pa.)

Richmond,  Va.-Chicago

Richmond, Va.-Chicago

I didn't see a comments section so hope you don't you mind if I use this section. I happened to google across your site and really like it.

It gives the non trucking community enough info to allow them to see what trucking is like without going into to many boring details. Your site also reflects your positive attitude in life which is greatly needed out here in the trucking nation.

I bought my first truck in 1978 and have been trucking ever since except for 2 1/2
years in a factory(now thats boring). I love the sunrise and sunsets and the antelope in wyo.,the cold wind in the winter and the birth of spring, getting a short view of the ocean and seeing rocky mountain snow in july.

I could go on forever. Hey all I really wanted to say was great site. Its great to see someone take the time to construct something of this nature.

Maybe I'll meet you out here sometime. And if not, may God grant you many more safe and adventurous journeys.

I'm adding a pic of my truck, thought you may like to know what I drive. I love car hauling because of the exercise, challenges, and the people are usually great to work with.

Thanks for allowing me to share.

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Mar 20, 2008
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hey Larry,

Thanks for the flowers man. Well it seems like you bring good company to the site. Glad you found it.
I have a lot of plans to make this site beneficial to all of us out here man like creating a place that we can list stuff we may want to sell or buy and a place where we can inform each other on good or bad companies to work for and even organizing little cookouts and get togethers man.

I wanted to created something that empowered us yet entertained and benefited us all and at the same time provide a vehicle for people to find out about trucking before they jump into it. Hopefully that will give us happier drivers who care about the job which gives us a better group of people out here you know.

Hey part of what i love about this is meeting good people all over the country man especially a fellow trucker. I had a good time over at the Flying j yesterday over there in Sioux Falls South Dakota, talking to the restaraunt manager if you out that way you might want to conversate with him.

Stay in touch Larry look forward to your next contribution to the site. Tell others about it for me, I will be updating and adding some fun stuff probably this weekend!

The Crazy Trucker

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