Backing tips for truckers

by Ryan
(London, Ontario)


Its been a while since i have posted a question. If you remember, I started taking a trucking course on May 23 and I'm still in the program. Its seems I'm having a problem with backing from a 90 degree angle(which is normal for a beginner).

I think I have a good concept as to what has to be done but for the most part I'm losing/forgeting with the steering wheels are pointed and it gets me lost.

I have been doing hand over hand but like I said I loose where the steering wheels are pointed. Any suggestions?


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Jun 20, 2009
Response from Ryan about backing a tractor trailer
by: Anonymous

Hello, its me again...Ryan!

Thank you for all the info and help. I love the idea of renting a uhaul truck and trailer but fortunately for me, I went to the school the other day to practice and there was only 3 of us and by mid afternoon it was just me and another guy so I had a lot of time to practice and actually I did very well this time. I changed how I was working the truck. When I'm doing the 90 degree back up instead of me doing hand over hand I just palmed the steering wheel and instead of looking at just the mirrors I stuck my head out the window to give me a better idea as to where the trailer is.

I also wasn't thinking about the ten foot rule so I wasn't thinking and reacting a head of time and but I changed that too. By reacting sooner than when I was before. And by the way, the school that I did pick is fantastic as they do help with job placement and they get me job ready not just my A license or CDL.

Thank you so much for all the help and i'm sure i'll be asking questions soon. By the way, my road test is July 7 so i'm sure i'll be nervous that day!!! haha

Jun 20, 2009
Ryan's plugging along and backing it up
by: Jimmy

Hey Ryan, I remember you. You'll get it soon enough, but just remember, which ever way you want the trailer to go, turn the steering wheel the opposite way. When you are ready to start a 90, turn the steering wheel to your right and start backing.

I always recommended my students to rent a U-Haul truck and trailer or just a trailer if you can attach it to your car and just practice one day all day long and after 8-10 hours of playing with it without any stress from school, you will be able to do it in a big truck.

Also, observe the other students how they do it and come down to school on your day off when you're not scheduled and hang around in the shadows and watch. You sometimes need to be innovative and go the extra mile. Jimmy

Jun 18, 2009
Backing tips for new truckers
by: Hervy

Ryan congratulations on your pursuit of those CDLs.

Backing is a challenge to a lot of guys who are going through CDL training.

Don't let it bother you, just keep paying attention and get all the practice you can.

One way to find out which way the wheel is turned it to slightly move and pay attention to the direction you began to move. That will tell you which way the tires are turned.

From there adjust your steering as needed.

From what your describing especially if you think you got the general concept, the only way to get better at it is to just keep doing it. If they will allow you extra time to get practice in take it.

How do you like the school your going to? What school is it and are they offering job placement?

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