
by Barb

My husband was unemployed for about 6 months. Something had to give, when we dipped into our savings to pay for the mortgage. He just became a trucker 3 weeks ago. We've been married 27 years, and rarely been apart. I feel so alone.

Luckily, my husband calls and or texts several times a day. I'm terrified, since I hear so much about the high divorce rate among truckers.

I feel certain, we have what it takes to sustain...... I hope and pray.

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Jun 18, 2018
hi NEW
by: Anonymous

it's good to meet lot of truck driver wife on here , i have a spouse that we are married and he is a truck driver since 7 years, i found he left me and was not communicating since last 4 month now neither does he pick my call .. i'm so depressed looking for a way out or rather file for divorce because he talk to me like a bitch

Dec 05, 2013
Communicate NEW
by: Christine

It's not easy but the best way is to talk a lot my husband and I talk all the time when he's gone and when he comes home the phone goes off its our time

Dec 05, 2013
Communicate NEW
by: Christine

It's not easy but the best way is to talk a lot my husband and I talk all the time when he's gone and when he comes home the phone goes off its our time

Dec 05, 2013
Communicate NEW
by: Christine

It's not easy but the best way is to talk a lot my husband and I talk all the time when he's gone and when he comes home the phone goes off its our time

Jan 27, 2013
well.... NEW
by: Elaine

I have been the wife of an OTR trucker for 12 -13 years. We also ended up in this business when both of our jobs vanished. I also live in Colorado so nice to chat with someone closer to home. It is a tough life but you can do it. My husband and I have been married for 24 years, half of it spent away !!! We are hoping to sell our place soon and downsize and get him off the road. Do what you are doing and keep the communication lines open. It isn't easy but can be done. Try to keep busy and stay away from things that get you down ( like all the negative stories about uncaring truckers, run around men, extra wives, etc.) NOT all husbands are that way. I try to cook as much food for him to take as I can-- we put an APU on his truck so he has electricity and can cook in a microwave and has a fridge. That truck stop food was killing him ! ! Would love to chat with you as we seem to be in about the same age range and from same part of country. Elaine

Jul 11, 2012
Keep your chin up, mama! NEW
by: Amanda

My husband says that "love is a choice you make every day when you wake up." It's not always an easy choice to make when you love a man who is gone so much! (Ok, let's face it... sometimes lovin' a man is a tough choice, period)! ;) But nothing worth having usually comes easy, I've been told. It's tough... but like the song says, "When I call on Jesus - ALL things are possible." I pray you and hubby soar right through these challenges.

Jul 11, 2012
Keep your chin up, mama! NEW
by: Amanda

My husband says that "love is a choice you make every day when you wake up." It's not always an easy choice to make when you love a man who is gone so much! (Ok, let's face it... sometimes lovin' a man is a tough choice, period)! ;) But nothing worth having usually comes easy, I've been told. It's tough... but like the song says, "When I call on Jesus - ALL things are possible." I pray you and hubby soar right through these challenges.

Nov 19, 2010
Hang in there
by: Hervy

Hey Barb if he cares about the relationship as much as you do, and it seems as he does, you'll be just fine.

Find a positive and productive way to spend your time to help him make more money or bring more money into the home.

Maybe one day he can come off the road or spend less time on the road. If he has ever thought of becoming an owner operator maybe you could learn about brokering.

If you don't have to be at home, maybe you can go on the road with him after he gets off probation period.

Stay positive and keep doing it how you guys are doing it....staying in constant contact and you will be fine.

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