becoming a new driver with record

by luis
(norwich ct)

hi my lui i like what you are doing keep going.

I have a question maybe you can help me at out or give an idea im about to get my class a in a couple weeks.

i being on school since February i have made some bad choices before now im getting my license but i have a record one felony for
narcotics from 5 years ago and a speeding ticket 3 years ago but i
got my act together now and want to start all over again

what companies should i go for what type of job should i look for as a driver can
you give an honest advice.

thanks lui

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May 28, 2008
New truck driver with record
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hi Luis,

First of all congratulations on the lifestyle change.
Second congratulations on your upcoming graduation of truck driving school.

You are on the right track being that your are here asking questions. I don't think you will have a lot of problems qualifying for at at least 60% of the truck driving jobs (with regards to your record if you haven't had an incident since what you stated.)

The easiest way to get a feel for what you would qualify for is to click on some of these companies and tell them your record and see what they say.

Or do a search for companies in your area. Type your town then truck driving jobs and call the ones the interest you.

If there is a trucks stop in your area, you can go there and get free magazines that list companies also.

If by any slight chance that you don't get favorable results at the companies you call. You should be able to get a job driving a dump truck or hauling concrete until enough time passes for the MVR and criminal record not to matter to trucking companies.

hope that helped you.

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