Beginning in the trucking industry

by Marty
(Montclair, VA USA)

I?m preparing to retire and I have chosen trucking as my next career. I have conducted research into the trucking industry, by attending trucking shows, talking with truck drivers from various trucking companies, and reading the websites of the major trucking carriers. I?m a member of OOIDA and subscribe to Landline magazine and a member of ATA.

I have chosen to attend a college level truck school to gain my CDL and education in the industry.

My questions are, of the companies listed below, which are the best in this communities blogs opinion is suited for a new company student driver who is new to the industry and wants to drive over the road to include the US and Mexico. I?m willing to stay out for several months at a time, without a wife and children who are out on their own I have the flex ability to even drive in other countries.

Let me know you opinions and comments. I plan to begin March of 2010.

I look forward to hearing your comments and opinions and hope to see you at a truck stop next year.


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Aug 31, 2009
Needs guidance about trucking life
by: Jimmy

Welcome Marty. You won't be driving in Mexico, but could drive in Canada. Start out with a community college course, then see where the path leads. Just be aware after all is done, that you may not like trucking. Also be aware that you will hear a lot of B.S., so sort through it all and keep an open mind. If possible, hook up with a medium size company (500 trucks) Good luck, Jimmy

Aug 26, 2009
quick trucking tips about trucks
by: Chuck

You can start fast , turn fast but you can not always stop fast

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