being a truckers wife.

by cathy

As for me being a truckers wife. Its not easy him out on the road and me here at home alone. I would never cheat on him (let me make that clear). Our children are grown, so I dont have to worry about raising them alone.

I trust my husband with all my heart, and I know he works hard, and I worry about him all the time. Getting to see him like 2 to 4 days a month, is not easy at all.

I sit home, and think of all the things we use to do together before he went out on the road,and I miss being with him. I will say yes a womans mind will wonder from time to time if there man is cheating on them but, if a woman talks to her man about it and really thinks about it when do they have time to do such a thing, when they are not driving, making a drop, or picking up a trailer, they will get a bite of food and think about sleeping. And if they are a good husband

they will call their wife at least once aday. I thank God my husband calls me and talks to me several hours aday. So yes its hard and yes a truck driver's wife should appreciate all the long hours they put on the road, to help support them. I am very thankful for my husband. And I know he loves me so much. So to all you truckers and trucker wife, show eachother how much you love eachother, call eachother and tell eachother atleast once aday.

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Feb 03, 2015
I am managing quite well NEW
by: Anonymous

I am enjoying my "me time" while mine is out on the road. I work full time, 10 hours a day, 50 hours a week in a doctor's office & during the day I do not have the time to talk to him let alone when I get home at night. When I get home, I am tired & all I can think about is making me something to eat, relax & then go to bed. He has his job, I have mine, & my children are grown & the both of them are in college & we got a new girl in the office & I was sitting in the lunch room getting ready to have my lunch when my husband called me & this new girl was having lunch with me & I only talked to him for 5 minutes & she asked me what he did & I told her he is a truck driver & it shocked me when she said to me oh please tell me you do not intend to stay with that scant chaser & I asked her why she said that & she said it is a known fact that when they are out on the road, they will cheat & I told her I did not care because I am getting ready to leave him anyway so I told her I do not carre what he does, I already have plans in a few weeks to meet up with a realtor to me getting my own condo because he has been doing trucking for 5 years & lately I have been noticing this past 2 years his personality & everything has changed, so I have had it, & I have my grown children's support in me leaving their father, they too, have noticed the changes in him! So not everyone has the same situation as you!

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