Best Paying Trucking Jobs

Oversized hauler

Oversized hauler

Any trucking jobs paying above $70,000 per year?

What trucking companies will pay truckers at least $70,000?

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Jan 07, 2023
What Trucking Companies Pay Higher Salaries
by: The Crazy Trucker

Plenty of trucking companies will pay $70,000 or more if you have a few years experience. When checking into a company though make sure you ask them for the average salary for a driver will drive where you want to drive.

For example you if you look at average trucker salary for a Northeaster job but you check rates for Southeastern region, the average might be different for same company.

Generally speaking trucking companies that have retail or manufacturing and haul their own goods will average more than just a logistics company.

Here are some trucking companies that pay more than $70,000 or more with 1 year of experience.

GP Transco Likely will pay most starting off.
DOT Foods (Refrigerated)
ATS (Dry and Specialized)
Mercer (Flatbed)
Grand Island Express

Heavy hauling pays more

Oil field trucking jobs pays more

High Paying local truck driving jobs

Whats better than higher paying trucking companies?

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