Best state to drive trucks in and not Texas

by tacorey gilliam
(tyler Texas, u.s)

Best state to be a truck driver?

Best state to be a truck driver?

I want to drive trucks but I want to move out of Texas so I thinking about California Florida Atlanta New York So tell me where is one of the best place to go thanks

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Jun 27, 2023
Best state for being a truck driver
by: The Crazy Trucker

Out of the places you named, I'd say Atlanta.

However, I personally hate traffic of Atlanta and wouldn't NEVER drive there every day.

But you don't have to stay trucking local or regional just cause you live there.

I wouldn't do New York or California but if i had to choose it would be California as a company driver.

It really depends on what type of environment you like. If you're tired of the Tyler Tx like surroundings then Atlanta would likely be the closes type feel but incorporating a larger city vibe...

and plenty of trucking companies and opportunities.

Macon and Augusta are also in Georgia and less congested. Macon is closest to Atlanta if you just want to be near ATL.

Birmingham and Montgomery Alabama
Jackson Ms
Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh NC are also great options.

Are you going to be over the road or local after experience?

Also, do you plan on going owner operator?

Do you want to settle down there, buy property etc?

Jun 27, 2023
Best state for being a truck driver
by: The Crazy Trucker

Out of the places you named, I'd say Atlanta.

However, I personally hate traffic of Atlanta and wouldn't NEVER drive there every day.

But you don't have to stay trucking local or regional just cause you live there.

I wouldn't do New York or California but if i had to choose it would be California as a company driver.

It really depends on what type of environment you like. If you're tired of the Tyler Tx like surroundings then Atlanta would likely be the closes type feel but incorporating a larger city vibe...

and plenty of trucking companies and opportunities.

Macon and Augusta are also in Georgia and less congested. Macon is closest to Atlanta if you just want to be near ATL.

Birmingham and Montgomery Alabama
Jackson Ms
Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh NC are also great options.

Are you going to be over the road or local after experience?

Also, do you plan on going owner operator?

Do you want to settle down there, buy property etc?

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