Big Rig Bounty Hunters - No Thanks

by DaveP

I watched part of the show last week. When I saw "Animal" and his partner I turned it off never to return. Why do some drivers have to look like that to drive a truck? They are a disgrace to the professional trucking industry.

I wonder how drivers in that shape can pas a Federal Medical exam.

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May 24, 2014
The new season of Big Rig Bounty Hunters is da bomb! NEW
by: Big Rig fan

The gentleman above, if he saw a show with "Animal," saw an old episode from season 1.

The new season of Big Rig Bounty Hunters (season 2) premiered last Thursday, May 22, 2014, and it totally rocks!

It's no longer an hour-long show, the truckers are competing against each for the bounties, and the new cast is awesome!

I can't wait for the new episodes.

May 23, 2014
by: Anonymous

dont take it so seriously or personally at that. It is just a reality show and is more than likely a big put on. Just like "Duck Dynasty" those people are highly educated one son went to Harvard okay. It is just a show for fun. Those two characters on Big Bounty served in the Vietnam War and the tall skinny toothless brown haired guy, actually went to college and became a professional ballet dancer.

So dont judge a book by its cover you may not want to be judged by your cover right? I have been on the road and I have seen guys who look just like this and even seen women who drive that smell like men when they go into the restroom at truck stops.

My guy is a OTR and he has been for 25 years and looks nothing like these guys. He doesn't drink, drug or even smoke cigarettes. He is clean cut and showers everyday. He is smart and funny too. So I for one do not believe all truckers are like these guys and I believe a lot of people do not think so either.

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