big truck Air Horns

Are there any regulations on blowing the air horn? Do all big trucks have the classic pull string on the upper left hand?

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Jun 08, 2009
Air horns.
by: Jimmy

What would a 'big rig' be without an air horn? Well, the times, they are a changin'. Originally,trucks had the pull cord either on the right or left, depending on the manufacturer. Right being the center. And also, trucks have a regular 'car' horn. That's the one I prefer to use, since it does what a horn is intended to do, alert the fool in front of you to get moving, it's a green light.

Horns are a sour subject with me. Entirely too much blowing, needlessly. I had an '07 Int'l that had a loud horn, but wasn't an actual air horn, as well as a 'car' horn. I'm not sure if all truck manufacturers are not using the actual air horn anymore.

As far as laws forbidding the use, I'm certain that only disturbing the peace laws apply. Too much noise means John Law paying you a visit. Jimmy

Jun 08, 2009
Oh Yea
by: Anonymous

Regulation for use of air horns not sure but they are required by law. Over use by horny drivers can be a problem though, like check out them hooters! Usually when it is necessary to use the horns for emergency it's because of someones ignorance or the disregard of the saftey of the truck driver, like pulling out in front of the oncoming truck, that can send your big a-- to the trash pile in a hurry! Actually the horns can save your life, but some of the close calls I've had left no time to grab the rope! Besides the best reason to use the horn is responding to the kids that let you know how much you are appreciated, something the grown ups take for granted! 10-4 BEEP! BEEP!

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