Blinded Eye

by Tammy
( Chicago)

I met my new second husband August of last year. We dated a month or so. Then he asked me to marry him. I did in Oct. not knowing him that long.

We had family over. He met my sister. So she would come over. Stay the weekend. They became
Friends. So I had her to call and text him on the road at night. He was a long haul driver for a local great company, after I found out what I wanted to knw.. I wanted it to stop.

It didn't. Did I mention a week after we got back from honey moon. I was lookin in drawers an found where he had been married for the second time? I was floored ! He told me He'd only been married once . For twenty years. He found her on match. Com

I was sick! He started the marriage off wrong! People tell me I'm beautiful! I've been a model most of my life, was with my first husband 22
Years. Very faithful!

He was a drug addict. I tried
Everything to make it work. Do I divorced . Met this knight & shinning Armor, to be betrayed! Now that we've moved for his job, there's a woman works in the office at the terminal
That told him while he was talkin to 2 drivers she Was goin to make him a chocolate cake, he told me.

He said she meant no harm. It upset me. Told him Wat I Thot. At first he was mad at me. Then he understood. I said Wat if a man offered me that frm work. He then agreed it wasn't rite!

So this mornin he didn't act the same claim as usual. I called him. He was breathing hard said he was n bathroom at work that he had been movin trailers . He didn't act rite. Sounded nervous an confused, wouldn't look at me much when he got home.

He showered We went to eat . Came back home. I told him How I felt. That I Thot he was cheating , he got Mad at me. Called me a psycho bitch! Told me It was over .. I begged his forgiveness . I've never Loved or been in love like this!

It's hard' he loves my cookin. Tells me I'm beautiful! I keep the house Spotless. Give him massages . Treat him Great But with him betrayin me since the beginning Idk Wat to do.

I'm a loving, caring, devoted loyal wife. If strange sex affairs mean more to him than I.
He doesn't deserve me! Ppl can't believe I'm
With him! I look a lot younger an better!

He's blamin me Saying I'm destroying our Marriage. I have a lot Of men after me. But I let them know quick, I'm Married! Please please give me some advice!!

I don't want it to end! But I deserve happiness!
Not that bragging , but I'm the kind of woman
Men wished they had! Thx! Any advise is welcomed. .
Thank U!

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Jun 29, 2012
sounds like ko-ko ville to me NEW
by: Anonymous

someone is on drugs and I cant tell who. Your English is not right nor is your choice of men??

So maybe you could help yourself out and him in case he is on drugs, and get the heck out!!

Something is sooo wrong with this picture and it would take all night to explain it to you and I am not sure you would even understand what I am saying?

You are all over the page and I cant get heads or tails of what you are saying or even figure out why you wrote what the heck you wrote!!

Go it alone is best for you!!! wowwwwwww!! whoooaa!!!

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