blown out tires

by Undougful
(Spokane, Washington)

It's after dark and you drive by a truck hauling a three axle trailer and the last two tires on the trailing axle on the driver's side of the trailer are blown out and sparking, how do you let the driver know? Or do you just assume they already and continue on?

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Sep 18, 2024
You're a Good Person
by: Hervy

He/she should know at night. Thank you for wanting to inform the driver. The best thing to do is slow back down beside him blowing the horn or get behind him and flash the lights.

He'll know automatically something is wrong by you doing that.

The question is how you will know that he knows, lol. He might pull over if there is a safe place. But if you do all of that trust me, he'll know something is wrong and he should pull over to look over the truck as soon as he can.

Thanks again for wanting to inform him.

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