Breaking distance logging truck

by dave
(aburn ca.)

hi This is some interesting I was jogging my dog near our grammar school very slight grade road. when school is in starting it had a flashing light for 25 mph sign. i jog this road for years i know what 25mph looks like. this fully loaded logging was going way to fast so i motioned him to slow down and pointed to the flashing light 25mph sign.

Next to my astonishment he locked up his breaks smoking wheels and all , stopped the truck in the middle of the street jumps out and starts screaming he was doing the speed limit and throwing F bombs and Ahole bombs at me in front of kids at school, i yell 25 mph and point to the sign.....more F bombs from trucker.

He gets in his trucks and i measured his skid marks and it was 85 ft so my question is how fast approx was he going?

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