bright lights on the tailgate

by stephen palmore
(richmond va.)

I used to have a regular run here in Va. , Chesapeake to Apomatack , straight up a nice state four lane no medium and almost no shoulders , it was my favorite run. The company had 2 things I didn't like Macks with no A/C and a darn tateltail on the dash , straight up double nickel all the way .

One summer night I was headed up the road and every drunk in the country was on my tailgate with bright lights. When the sixth one for the night came along I had had enough. I spotted a section where there was a piece of shoulder and I dipped that truck off the road and back up and covered his butt up with gravel.

We'll wouldn't you know those bright lights had a blue light to go with it.
After a bit I found a place to pull over . This county Sheriff came up asked for my papers , As he examined them he asked me are you tired driver I saw run off the road back there?

Heck no I drive a day cab for a reason work my shift and go home. The problem was a big ol buzz bug flew in the window and me and him was having a serious conversation who the heck was going to drive the truck!@!!

Well that caught the mans funny bone . Now the officers of the law are not supposed to laugh at your jokes , so he dipped the brim of his hat down so I couldn't see his face , he looked up briefly and started to say something , and then looked back down , handed me my stuff and just walked away.

Nothing beats a lie with a good punch line .
this be the red devil were on the side !

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Lesson learned NEW
by: Anonymous

I learned not to tailgate trucks with your brights on.

Tailgaters Beware of Driver or is it the other way around
by: Hervy

Lol, Stephen thanks for sharing that story with us.

It was interesting plus I learned a few lessons...

1. To handle tailgaters differently than throwing gravel on them. Newbies please believe we don't want to handle them this way. Tailgaters are idiots, you just have to be patient with them. Slow down and make them pass plus give yourself more following distance on whatever you are behind so that you won't have to hit the breaks hard of they do.

2. Cops can have a sense of humor, try entertaining that instead of seriously justifying actions. Stephen was smart enough to know that saying, "I did that on purpose because you were tailgating".

3. Driving a truck with no AC limits your tolerance for stupidity of other drivers. lol

On, the real, none of us are perfect but it's so cool that we all can learn from each other in even the strangest ways.

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