Bringing your girl with you over the road in a big truck?

by Clayton
(Huntsville On. Canada)

Just wondering if a lot of companies will let you bring your girlfriend/wife or even friends or family on the road with you, and if so at first, or after the "one year experience" period.

Everything about trucking sounds great to me and I think it would suit me, but it would be even better if I could bring my girl with me.

Also any insight to what life on the road would be like for her?
Thanxs a lot, Clayton

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Jan 16, 2016
fresh start NEW
by: Anonymous

I just recently finished I was top 3 in my class of 25 but I have a record that only goes back about 6 years I am a new driver with no experience I live in ct can anyone help me with company's that hire drivers with a record I have completely turned my life around and to simply put it lookin for a 2 chance I am hard working reliable and trust worthy my work ethics are second to none. Just lookin to push forward and start my new career the company that does hire will gain a valuable employee.for I am a company man. Thank you for any help.

Jan 16, 2016
bringing family pets NEW
by: Anonymous

Do trucking companys allow you to bring your dog with you over the road I just recently got my cdl and finished School. And thing about doing regional runs so I think I'll be home every weekend and I would like to take my dog with me is that allowed

Aug 15, 2015
Do not set out NEW
by: Anonymous

Do not set out to find a girlfriend! If your priority is good girlfriend quotes
solely to get your itch scratched (sexually speaking), you're going to find that you'll scare off a LOT of people. Your GOAL is not to get a girlfriend, even though you think it is. Your goal is not the END, it's simply the next step in the process. Your goal is to improve your social network - which is like creating a nice strong safety net.

Sep 11, 2008
What about "Team Driving"
by: Anonymous

What is the pay like for team drivers? My husband and I are considering leaving our current careers to start team driving for a company. He has trucked previously (but not for 10 years or so) and I have NEVER trucked (so, understandably I am a little hesitant not knowing what to expect :-). Could you provide a sort of "A Week in the Life of a Female Team Driver" (only if you have insight to the female perspective, of course.) Thank you!

Aug 21, 2008
Reply to Bring your girl with you over the road in a big truck
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hello Clayton,

Most companies will let you take your girl with you over the road now a days.

They probably will required you to drive a few months first which is understandable.

Some only allow an adult. Some will allow children of a certain age. You will have to ask that about the company that you are interested in. You do want to try and do things legit because it can cause a problem at weigh stations should they want to inquire about your passengers.

They may call your company to see if they are authorized to be in the vehicle.

The only difference between life on the road for you and her is that you will actually be working so a lot of you time will be focused on doing something constructive. You will have the responsibilities and obligations of your job first.

As long as she is the type of person who understands this she should be find. In fact, she should feel honored to be in her position. She'll be able to see the country free.(and hopefully in good company, lol)

However, So she should bring along something to occupy her while your driving. Something to read, or a video camera or camera. She can make a little documentary of yous guys travels. You know just something constructive and of substance so that she is contributing.

I think that will make things more interesting and fun for both of you.

One thing you two definitely want to do is plan ahead.

Get an electric cooler so that you can take food with you because if you eat in the truck stop every day you will be driving just to see the country. You certainly won't have much of a check left.

Make sure you get her to think of all the other things she may need to bring on the road so you don't end up buying them in a truck stop. Wal-mart is a lot cheaper.

Good luck
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