Bristol VA Freddie Hawkins

I have 21 years driving experience but for the last 12 years my wife and I have struggled taking care of four kids and me being on the road.

My wife some how went to nurseing school and took care of the kids. Iam off the road now but I have always loved driving trucks.there
are no local jobs in my area.

I would love to find an o/o to drive part time for maybe out for a week and off a week.

I have some of the best experience any driver could have pulling dump trl,53ft vans, ref, stepdeck, livestock, and tankers.I have a class A CDL with hazmat and tanker ind.also have TWIC card and good driving record

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Jun 27, 2011
60 days on...60 days off
by: Anonymous

I am a truck driver who is looking for a co driver( a replacement driver)that Can  alternate 60 days on( driving otr)  60 days off, I have a lot experience over 10 years with moving vans, dry load , reefer and a clean record , looking to make between $1100 and $1300.00 a week LEGALLY , If you interested on this concept , email me , I am not selling anything , just dont want to be all the time on the road, if you looking for the same thing( 60 days on ... 60 days off)  email me. Thanks
Obs : This is long term throughout the year.

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