broke trailer door off, am I fired?

by Charlene

I am in a tight spot, and I broke the trailer door off, am I automatically fired?

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Sep 17, 2023
I got fired for that NEW
by: Zurialjazz

I was pulling out a shippers door after unloading. Trailer was clear of the door, but Ballard outside caught the chained door. Reported it to safety. They fired me.

Jun 04, 2015
Will a driver get fired for break equipment
by: Hervy

Charlene, that would depend on company policy. It is not something that has hard industry rules across all companies. They will likely look at the entire situation and judge. At the end of the day, they might wonder why you kept going.
Accidents happen all of the time and drivers don't automatically each time.

Hope the best for you though. Make sure to take note of the chain of events that happened prior to and determine what you can do to avoid damage happening in the future so you won't face it again.

Having said that, many of us drivers end up with minor incidents. Early on especially. I backed into a light after years of driving. I didn't get fired but it only damaged the light not the truck.

We improve by seeing what we could have done differently despite the unfortunate challenges in the situation. I could have paid more attention to the area prior to backing and I would have noticed the trailer was too high for where they wanted me to back to or stopped earlier.

You couldn't push a button for more space. But what can you do next time...

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