Broken Trust

by truckergirl

Hello, Devastated, hurt, humiliated, and I love him. 5 days ago I found out my trucker man has been cheating and lying about being single.

Yes, the trucker I love lives two lives. I trusted him and if questioned I took his word. He was spending 1000 of dollars at casinos, cheating, and actually telling others he is single.

These women he cheated with or chasing in hopes of are still part of his life. Maybe they are not sleeping together STILL but the on his friend list on facebook.

Now all of this was a surprise although there was a question or 2 , I took his word. Now, I love him and everybody in my life knows about him and our relationship. It is so common for others to see me say hi and ask where my trucker is.

I'm so humiliated, hurt, sickened, confused, and yes I love him. No lot lizards. But still I am disquested inside and out. Where do we go from here? The one thing in trucking you got to be honest and trusted so Why is it hard to leave? Why do I love him? 4 year's of lies and I so angry. Please anyone 3lse?

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Apr 28, 2016
Cheating trucker NEW
by: Anonymous

I am an ex wife of a trucker. We were married for 17 yrs total of 19 together. He cheated repeaditly in front of me and our children I finally put myself and children above him and divorced in 2013. He had gone so far as to take his girlfriend on vacation with my cc and then he bought a home in NV while he left his family in Florida. I moved the kids and I back to Wisconsin got divorced started working and in under a year went from feeling abandoned and forgotten to owning my own home, meeting a wonderful man and now happily remarried. So to answer any questions out there, yes your being cheated on ( no offense) they get lonely on the road, and a phone call or text isn't enough. Its a hard long life and if you can accept sharing him then you'll be ok. I shared and accepted what pushed me over my edge was him calling me useless and a mouch when I was living on $80 a month and raising our kids. I never took his money except when I asked I scanned all receipts for proof of funds. I just couldn't live with hearing him tell another woman in front of us he loves her, I couldn't bare the humiliation of him living in her home raising her kids when he was still married to me. So I started over and I'm stronger for it. My new husband has gone through more crap from my ex than any man should. My ex husband didn't want his family. And now because I chose to give him the freedom he wanted so badly I'm being threatened daily from the ex. What's funny is that woman he had to have so badly left his ass after he took her on a cruise and she threw him out on Valentine day 2015 just to tell him she's pregnant with her ex husbands child and they were getting back together... Cheaters always cheat and he finally got what he deserved. I've never cheated and never will. I'm stronger for that reason and my dignity remains intact no matter how hard life is.

Sep 22, 2015
Husband shows off NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband is VERY well endowed and when he goes back on the road from being home he always sends dick pictures to other women. I think he does it to show off but I don't like it

Oct 22, 2014
Think Clearly NEW
by: Sommer

We often react off our emotions. Think of why you fell in love with your husband. Determine if you want to try and make your marriage work. If so, ask your husband if he wants it to work. Then, Determine why he has been cheating, can the situation change, and how can you rebuild the trust? I hope you find strength to make it through your situation no matter your decision.

Jul 06, 2014
... NEW
by: Anonymous

your not the only one he is cheating on and you wont be the last he cheats on...he is a cheater no matter which way you look at it...if this is what you want then stay if this isn't what you want then get out...js

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