budgeting as a trucker's wife

by Lisandra Miller
(Mishawaka, IN)

I'm new to this website. I'm trying to find some good advice on how to budget with a trucker's income. I have searched the internet and I really need a good guide idea or advice.

We have a rather large family. My husband and I have eight kids. We are a blended family. I had four, he had two, and together we have two.

My husband is an owner operator and our income dips and dives frequently. We love each other very much but our biggest problem is that we seem to be in financial ruin constantly.

I need some help, some advice, some encouragement.


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Jul 21, 2012
I Agree...Sell The Truck! NEW

I agree with SELL THE TRUCK while you still can. When my husband first got in to trucking 6 years ago he bought his own truck and with the cost of insurance, plates, fuel,etc...we could never get ahead. We struggled thinking things would get better but they never did. We ended up losing everything we had including the truck and eventually had to file bankruptcy. Now that he is working for a company and we no longer have to worry about all the things that come with being an O/O our income is a lot more steady and we have been able to finally get ahead in life and have a new start on life. He absolutely loves trucking and would never want to do anything else but we will never own our own truck again. Sell it before you go down the same road we did. Believe me it is very hard to get your life back after this happens. My husband was lucky enough to find a great job with good pay and after two more years of struggling we are back in the game and have never been more financially sound.

Jan 31, 2012
sell the truck!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

In this economy, it does NOT pay anymore to be an owner operator. Between all the new laws and regulations that the FMCSA is putting on everyone, and the cost of maintaining the trucks, it rarely pays to be an owner operator. (Heck, just the cost of fuel anymore has put many o/o's in bankruptsy.) I can not even begin to tell you half the horror stories I have witnessed with friends and family that have owned their own truck. Yes the pay per mile is better for owner operators, but by the time you pay ins, taxes, repairs, fuel, ect ect ect ect there is little to nothing less....

My best advice is to sell the truck and find a good company. Although you get paid less per mile, you also don't have to deal with the headache of the maintenance along with all the other expenses.

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