C1 Little Rock, Arkansas

by Nick V
(San Antonio, TX)

Hey everybody, Merry Christmas. Well I promised some info on C1 so here we go. All in all it was a pretty good experience.

They do a contract program which sounds pretty scary but I guess if your serious its worth it. Think all in all the total was 4500 for your CDL but again that is with a one year contract.

The course is pretty much like the other one I went to. Monday starts paperwork and drug tests, physicals, and yadda yadda.

Thursday you start out in the yard learning shifting patterns and getting use to the trucks. Things slowly progress from there. Roadmasters had a parallel parking exercise and this place had a serpentine exercise. You get the training you need to overcome anything they throw your way though.

Think they have a total of about 8 trucks. 5 on the road, 3 in the yard. Another cool thing about this school is they have on site lodging. If your looking for Hilton amenities this sure aint the place for you though. They have the sleeping quarters split into two sections. One is for the newbies and one for the "excel'd class."

Classes start every Monday so you have new guys coming that get the crappy beds and you got the "vets" moving to the luxury half of the compound. Like I said, these are no temper pedic mattresses. They have break rooms with microwaves, refrigerators, coffee machines, and whatnot.

Also have a washing area where they provide the soap for you to do your own laundry. Have plenty of shower rooms. I was there for a week and never had a problem with anything as far as waiting for a shower or anything. Thats about that.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my knowledge. As far as I go, I'm getting picked up tomorrow (26th) morning by my trainer and headed out for a month.

Hope everything goes good. I'm excited.

Well I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Dec 30, 2009
Feedback on Trucking Schools in Little Rock
by: Hervy

Need to find a trucking school where you live?

Thanks for that insight on the school Nick.
A lot of information there.

They couldn't spoil you guys with good mattresses man. LOL had to get you ready for the sleepers!

Good luck on the road.
Happy New Year

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