Camden TN experienced driver

by Corey Harris

My name is Corey and I have been driving big rigs 2 yrs now. I started out pulling a tanker then moved to a flatbed for a little while. All for same company...

Now I pull a dump trailer and I did the dump truck thing a while too. The company I work for at the moment just doesn't like to maintain their stuff.

Pay is good, I love the freedom of when I haul, but im afraid im gonna hurt someone or myself with truck because of its shape.

I have 2 speeding tickets(non cdl related) so that's why its hard for me to go anywhere else. I need a job in a bad way. I'm not scared to work and I get the job done when and how you want it or I don't ask to be paid.

I can pull or haul anything. I really want to haul cows but don't know anyone. I keep truck clean inside and out.

If anyone would give me the chance I promise you wont regret it and if i let you down ill pay you... that's how sure I am of my work. my number is 731 441 6945

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May 15, 2012
Reporting an unsafe trucking company NEW
by: Hervy

If your trucking company has you operating unsafe equipment and you wan to report them, here is information for doing so.

reporting a trucking company running unsafe equipment

To find other small or local Tennessee trucking companies, take a look at this page.

Small or medium trucking companies

Best of luck man. Do something. That has got to be a stressful situation working under those conditions. What's worse, if something bad happens you may end up in just as much trouble as that company if you recognize safety issue and went on driving anyway.

Be careful man,

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