Cameras placed in company rigs

by Crystal
(Murfreesboro,Tn )

My husband has been with a company for 8 yrs! All because of a couple of accidents in the company, they have decided to put camera's in the company rigs! A lot of drivers have quit and very upset!

They feel this is an invasion of privacy!

My husband went into the safety directors office and noticed people laughing. Being a little nosy, my husband asked what's so funny. It was a driver on the camera picking his nose!

Well that made my husband uncomfortable! What can he do? He doesn't want a camera on him 24/7. They stated these camera's were only to be used if in an accident, but it seems to me they are using it for entertainment!


Sincerely truckers wife!

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Sep 15, 2013
I understand your point however,
by: Anonymous

The only time you are able to do anything about what a person decides on how they run their company is if they are doing something illegal...

When it is your own company, you run it the way you see fit right? Why would you expect someone to change just because you dont like it...

Rule of thumb...we do not walk into someones business and tell them we dont like the way they are running their business...really who does that???

You would not like someone walking into your house telling you how to run your household now would you??

What you normally do when you are disgruntled with the way your BOSS is running his business, is you leave and find somewhere else to work...hello...

Then all the whining can literally be stopped if people just follow this rule..

Sep 15, 2013
our fault
by: Anonymous

Its a lot like any other relationship, the more we put up with the more the companies are going to dish out. Unless as drivers we are all willing to stand up for our selves the worse its going to get.

I.e. if a husband beats his wife at some point some one is going to ask her why she puts up with it.

Keep in mind, according to every company out there "there is a driver shortage." So we have the power, we don't have to work for a co. that trust its drivers so little.

I can assure you the people who made this rule don't have cameras over there desks.(they don`t want their bosses to see what their doing with their secretary)

Tell your husband to work for a worth wile co.
I'm on your side.

Aug 26, 2013
even dumber....
by: Anonymous

only the dumbest people keep on aggravating themselves with pointless conversations.... which means you are basically having a conversation with yourself...think you might want to get some mental health care so you can find a way to move on and stop including so much drama in your life...

you only sound foolish at this point and as most intelligent people can see you are about to break and fall back into unhealthy behavior...

seems like you point the finger at persons to get a life, you are only pointing 3 fingers at yourself in being the person who needs to get a life......

as it seems you must be out of work since you are able to spend so much time yelling at people on a website whining and crying about something that does not exist....

as you can tell more people here agree with my comment that you need to stop whining and get a different job!! now who's the big mouth insert foot......

Aug 26, 2013
Don't need your opinion whining guy!
by: Crystal

No dumb uneducated people pass judgement like you do! There is no need to show face! Because you are the dumb unintelligent one!

You need to get a life! And quit responding on this website your advice is useless to anyone! Someone would be crazy to take your advice!

You say it's whining! How would your feel If a camera was pointed to your face 24/7 and reach part of your bunk! The best advice I'd give myself is to not listen to you losers! Because I and my husband are great people! And he has right! To be uncomfortable!

If I have to pick my nose I don't wanna damn camera on me! It's not our situation and you don't care so why comment!

Your mother must have married her brother to have you honestly cause you make no sense! In most if your post! If you have nothing better to do than be critical!

You must not have a job because your jealous that someone is succeeding where you have all your failure's! Your prob a no good lazy bum! That's living with your parents and have nothing better to do than insult people!

If there's anyone with some since post if not move the (*&(& on down the line! If a person posted what I posted I would tell them!

If switching jobs is not an option try reasoning with the company if that doesn't work deal with it until another job comes along! But I can see here I'm the only one that has sense on this site! So nothing good is coming of it but bitter angry people!

I just wanted to see if anyone else found themselves in this situation kinda lost about the whole idea! But whom cares I don't need your comments just my own smarts!

Aug 26, 2013
Good grief
by: Anonymous

I just couldn't read all the comments but I have to say if he doesn't like the camera being on him he should find another job. Plain and simple. I think this is the stupidest career you could ever go into to be totally honest with you but to each is own.

Aug 25, 2013
Still whinning and complaining???
by: Anonymous

Intelligent/educated people do not whine and complain everyday of their life or stay mad at some problem with the system. Intelligent people do what they need necessary for their survival and move on to better things vs. coming on a site to complain about a job.

Intelligent people do not stay at a job that inflicts their conscious with so much aggravation. Intelligent people do not have so much hate in their mind/heart for the jobs they have.

Intelligent people move away from drama that hinders their growth. Or if they do not like what is going on within their lives they move away from it so they can stay happy.

Uneducated/dumb/unhappy people do exactly what you do by coming on a site and making a fool of themselves. Like you! Point made.

Aug 25, 2013
Opinions are like assholes everyone's got one
by: Crystal

So many people are quick to judge another person time on my hands you say! I'm a nurse! I work over 40+ hrs a week! Management in my position what gives you people the right to think Im on this site and whining for!

Plus I'm a mother and have to make sure my son's life is in order and my family! SO just how much time do you think I have on my hands your horrible people!

You automatically deem me as of a loser and controlling! Please if your uneducated don't make a comment because apparently that's all whom is making comments about my post! Your are upset that an ex felon held a Job longer than you' well he's no longer in prison and should be made to feel that way anymore by a camera being shoved in his face!

People like you make me sick and none of ya probably have a CDL to call for. This is your lucky day this is my day off so you can even get to read this persons comment to your ignorance! Which I might say you people are stupid! So shove your comments and opinions right up your big boo boo!

Shall I tell you how to do that oh it's easy wash your hands! Get your lube line your fingers and grasp your opinion lay on your side open your cheeks and shover your fingers and opinions up your rectum! That's how you shove your opinion up your ass!

Aug 25, 2013
Go to hell and take this site with ya
by: The accused whining wife

Let me tell you unintelligent people something. First off I work my ass of in my nursing career! And to listen to some of you filthy mouth people is something I'm not going to do!

Do you realize a truckers life! Have you been tired! Slapped your face to get the load on time! Have you ever had a dead line to where you couldn't stop but to piss in a bucket or a cup,bottle because the job is hounding you to make it on time.

Have you ever wanted your wife or girlfriend to come along and wanted to be intimate! Well that's all on camera! You can't pick your nose! Or do nothing yes my husband may be an ex-felon but HE sure isn't a loser you!

We work hard and are dedicated! He's not a prissie anymore so why should he have to be watched scratching his ass! The truck driver gets the blame for everything!

Most of the higher ups and some dispatchers never spent a day in a truck! And for your I'll comments you can go to hell where it's nice and sunny take sunscreen! I think this is against everyone's rights and your not complaining cause it's not on you!

I hate negative people if someone has an educated answer with some since then I'm willing to listen because how do you think that driver feels that had his finger shoves up his nose and known people where watching him and laughing!

I'm tired of a bunch of uneducated fools commenting! And saying this is complaining! There only two company's currently placing cameras on your face and reaching near your bunk area!

Your comments don't make me feel bad in the least cause guess what I know whom the fuck I am! and what I do to make my family thrive and succeed! So sincerely miss me with the past comments crystal in Murfreesboro

Aug 25, 2013
still whining???
by: Anonymous

looks like the only losers are you and your husband.....Ex-felons are just that once one always for me I do not have a record so I am not on the losing end of the stick you mess up you go right back to the pokie...see I dont... you are in fact a loser, people do not change much from being a felon and as I can tell you have not and still have the felon mentality!!!

Stop what your doing and get another job and quit bitching about something that is out of your & your husband are still whiners....:)

Aug 24, 2013
by: Anonymous

"is a whining son of a gun....some of us cant even find a descent paying job and all he does is cry about people make me sick!!! you want someone to feel sorry for him/you...send him back to prison where everyone cares about each other!!! stupid azzes you are....."

plus this guy has worked for 8 years people do make mistakes and they change! sounds like he is working as a felon and you are not! i personally say FU you loser, but thats just me!

Aug 24, 2013
to whomever wrote this
by: Anonymous

"is a whining son of a bitch....some of us cant even find a descent paying job and all he does is cry about people make me sick!!! you want someone to feel sorry for him/you...send him back to prison where everyone cares about each other!!! stupid azzes you are....."

Get a life and you will find a job!
YOU LOSER! how dare you assume a convicted felon even spent a single hour in a prison? I am also a convicted felon and never spent a second or even saw a prison! I am now a truck driver and i have to say if they throw a camera in my face i would most likely quit as well! or wear a hat with a big middle finger on the top!

they are looking for tired drivers but i promise you the companies have no problem placing that driver into a situation of being to tired to drive. common for them to have a driver drive late they sleep wake up refreshed and then have a load set for a live load at 10 or 11 pm that night and drive ALL the next night.

if you think trucking is so great get your CDL you fucking no job piece of shit!

Aug 24, 2013
your husband
by: Anonymous

is a whining son of a gun....some of us cant even find a descent paying job and all he does is cry about people make me sick!!! you want someone to feel sorry for him/you...send him back to prison where everyone cares about each other!!! stupid azzes you are.....

Aug 24, 2013
by: Anonymous

husband is an ex-felon he is used to being watched...quit making a big issue about this and let him just get about making his money or you wont be able to buy the things you need and he will be out of a job!!! you instigating this rebelliousness can put you husband out of work!!! leave it is hard for ex-felons to get a trucking job!!! why are you so bent on making problems for him?? what are your motives?? you want him back in prison??? he is a grown man he can suck this up until time passes and he finds what he wants....

you are a trouble maker and should be grateful instead of whining....

a lot of us stand under a camera and its not because we are dishonest, it is because of what all the dishonest things that other people do that causes this to happen and we just suck it up!!

I suggest you find something to do with all this time you have coming on a site and complaining about things out of your control and get some counseling for your control issues while you are at it! $^@^@&%$%R&^&^%%#$#&!!!!

Coming From A Woman!!!

Aug 24, 2013
by: CrystalAnonymous

The camera is facing on the drivers face and also parcial of his bunk the only thing to do to get privacy is close the curtains.. I think it's unfair!

Yes it is their property and they are doing this to get an insurance break and have a part owner that's a good guy but use to be a cop! It's not that easy for my husband to leav due to his felony!

His brother in law was the safety director whom got him hired on until he left to be safety director to another company that refuses to hire felons. Now the safety director is an older woman that is over kill, I swear the woman waste a bunch of trees sending crap in the mail.

It's tough. My husband the company BUTLER has cameras as well an another company he can't think of. But the company is saying to the drivers and dispatchers that most are putting cameras in the rig. Which is not true! My husband is upset about ELOGS .. It can be a Friday and be in Knoxville, out of hours shut it down for 10 hrs an be so close to home!

My husband says he will not make money like that and never be home.. If anyone knows a great company that hires felons let me know cause my husband feels this is invasion of his privacy..

Aug 23, 2013
against federal law
by: Anonymous

it is against federal law to place cameras in areas where people use the restroom, change thier clothes, or expose any body parts......are the cameras inside the cab but only facing the front end and for recording cars/truck on road?

if they are placed anywhere the driver can be seen changing is illegal. other than that not much a person can do but quit...or deal with companies give a credit to companies (just like home owners) if they set up extra security on their property such as cameras and this is the right of the property owner...sorry it bothers people but it is their property.....

an option is to drive owner operator and then a person does what he wants with his property....

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