Can a 5 year old go over the road with driver?

Want to take my 5yr old along trucking for the ride!

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Aug 12, 2010
RE: Can a 5 year old go over the road with driver?

Thanks for the info and SHE'll be glad to hear SHE can ride with daddy! hahaha

I'll mos def keep you posted!

Hey stay cool and keep it in the lanes!

P.S. Google sends you some pretty good ads (-_-)

Aug 12, 2010
by: NickV

You can definitely take him over the road. Just check with your carrier first and make sure they have a rider program. Some companies won't let you, some companies will charge you a certain amount for insurance purposes. Some companies only have certain dates like summer, spring break, christmas vacation, and so on. But if your serious and its something that needs to be done then maybe looking into another carrier that has a full time rider program would be something you may want to look in to. I have seen a fair share of kids jump out on the fuel island, especially this summer. I think it would be awesome for him. Not a lot of kids can say they have been in all 48 states ya know. Good Luck to ya partner and keep us updated on how the little one likes it. And props to you for doin the daddy thing man, not a lot of kids are getting that kind of attention these days.

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