can a city ordinance keep from bringing my truck home

by gary
(hillsboro ks usa)

i used to bring my truck home to plug it in and the cops told me i couldn't drive it home cuz there's a city ordinance saying i cant drive my semi down my street unless i'm making a delivery.

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Feb 27, 2017
depends on "intent" of the ordinance
by: Jimmy

When the ordinance was written, obviously the city fathers didn't take into consideration guys driving their trucks home on that stretch of road.

So in effect, you are in violation if you drive on that road, however, I would talk with the mayor or city council or Police chief and explain your situation.

And in the meantime don't drive in/out at 3 am with your Jake......Luck yo Ya' Jimmy

Feb 26, 2017
by: Hervy

Often the ordinance was to prevent truckers from using the streets as a cut through or short cut.

See if you can talk to someone at precinct in a higher position about driving home as opposed to driving through.

Jan 20, 2017
As far as I know...
by: Hervy

As far as I know, yes it can. Your home owner's association could also. If you had one that didn't allow a commercial vehicle.

If I were you though, I would go downtown or make a phone call to make sure. I would also check to see if there is a procedure to appeal it.

It might be the case that trucks can't use the neighborhood as a short cut but you can actually drive home if you live there.

Maybe the cop is new and taking the ordinance the wrong way. Or don't realize that you can drive home although you can't drive through.

I've seen that be the case many times.
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