Can a company put a lien on your driver's license

by Wolf
(Clinton arkansas USA )

If you owe a trucking company money for school that they paid for and after a year of working with company you decide to leave for another company but still plan on paying on the loan can they petition a state to put a lean on your drivers license

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Oct 16, 2017
ain't happening NEW
by: Jimmy

The state issues driver's licenses, not the trucking co. Don't worry, the worst is truck co will turn over your bill to debt collectors. But with you still paying, shouldn't be a problem. Jimmy

Aug 25, 2017
In a word...
by: Anonymous


It's a threat.... just like anything else when you owe money

I'd like to see them try. You owe them money. How in the hell are you supposed to pay them back if you can't drive?

Think about that. It's just as stupid as the threat itself

They arent the DMV, DOT or FMCSA... their just a trucking school.. or company. They don't reserve that right. It's preposterous.


Threats... people get more and more creative as they get more desperate to get their money

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