Can a company reassign your co-driver to another driver without giving you some kind of notice.

My company reassigned my co-driver at his request to another partner., thus leaving me out in the cold. I had a 1 day notice that I would be out of a co-driver. They had been planning this for over a month and nobody informed me. I was hired as a team and they informed me that my only option was a solo NY run.

Shouldnt they have to give you proper notice when they are taking away from your current assignment or run?

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Apr 16, 2010
Left out of the loop...
by: Jimmy

Welcome to the world of trucking. The short answer is no. Basically there are no rules in trucking, or courtesy, for that matter. Kinda sad, I know. So you are on your own, do the N.Y. run and then get to to finding another co-driver. Jimmy

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