Comments for can a company stop me from working at another company if i quit while under contract

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Dec 17, 2022
It Depends on What The Contract Says
by: The Crazy Trucker

You'll have to read the contract. Youve provided not many details.

Were you in a truck driver training program?

I've heard many drivers go to another truck driver training program after quitting one.

Also gone to another company after quitting.

Usually you'll end up paying for truck driver training at the original trucking company though for breaking the contract.

Or paying at least a prorated amount. You can still go trucking some where else though

Oct 05, 2016
I have no idea what your situation or contract was
by: Hervy

But depending on what the story was about the situation and what they put on your DAC they could stop companies indirectly.

You probably need to get a copy of your DAC report to see what is on it.

DAC Reports

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