Can a company strand you miles away from home after being fired

by Leon
(Denver )

If a company fired you, can they strand you 1000s of miles from home even though they have a term in your home state plus your car is there?

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Jul 06, 2016
Fired for reporting attempted rape.
by: Anonymous

My story is about being fired when I reported one of the company's trainers for trying to rape me. I gave a detailed report and they chose to believe their trainer. No surprise there.
The company was Collective Distribution Inc. out of Canonsburg, PA. Year 1981.

Jul 06, 2016
Fired for reporting attempted rape.
by: Anonymous

My story is about being fired when I reported one of the company's trainers for trying to rape me. I gave a detailed report and they chose to believe their trainer. No surprise there.
The company was Collective Distribution Inc. out of Canonsburg, PA. Year 1981.

Jun 30, 2016
Is there anything else to this story
by: Hervy

Takes a pretty sorry company to do that depending on the circumstances. I have heard of companies doing it though, but it has always been more to the story.

What caused you to get fired? And was there a strain in the relationship between you and dispatch? (just curious on that part)

If I were you and I did absolutely nothing that warranted the company to do that, I would make a video about it and shout it as loud as possible because, we no provocation, there is no reason for a company to do that.

Especially, if they have a terminal right there near your home.

(Some readers might say what could possibly warrant such an action? Many things. I have talked to drivers who spoke of how they threatened dispatch including talking about how they would mess up the truck while in a rage.

He end up getting fired and then wonder why they wasn't allowed back in the truck. Also something as simple as doing drugs in the truck. Company don't want you back in the truck at least not driving. There are different scenarios where it wouldn't be cruel to not let a driver back in the truck. But often, it doesn't seem or is not justifiable.

However, keep in mind that a company usually is not just going to randomly fire you out on the road for no reason. It shouldn't be something that you allow yourself to worry about daily.)

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