Can a driver hold a load hostage for payment?

by Norma

Let's say that something gets messed up between shipper and receiver and nobody wants to pay the driver. What happens if the driver says, "get your crap off my truck or I'm gonna take it and sell it?"

or something along those lines.

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Mar 24, 2013
Good question
by: NickV

I don't really have a knowledgeable answer to this but i'm going to take a shot at it. I don't think that a shipper would let go of their product without payment to avoid such problems as this. Maybe there is a product charge and when it's delivered in good condition then a shipping charge. But i'm guessing if this were to happen you would need to get with the shipper and work out some kind of deal for you to return the product.

I'm pretty positive if you sold their stuff for payment that's theft. If the shipper denied your payment to return product then it would become a legal issue.

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