can a person with a felony get a hazmat endorsement

by Marie
(Redding, Ca)

I live in California and I have a felony conviction. It is for bodily injury. It is over 4 yrs old. Can I get a hazmat endorsement

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Oct 18, 2010
7 years from time of probation release
by: Jeff

I called swift and they said they could take me from 7 years from the time I was off of probation. Sounds to me that this is the standard. I have kind of taken that as gold for now. Waiting on november 2011 to get here. till then I am researching if this is what I want to get into or not. Good luck to you

Oct 18, 2010
7 years from time of probation release
by: Jeff

I called swift and they said they could take me from 7 years from the time I was off of probation. Sounds to me that this is the standard. I have kind of taken that as gold for now. Waiting on november 2011 to get here. till then I am researching if this is what I want to get into or not. Good luck to you

Jul 05, 2010
She's wondering.
by: Jimmy

Years ago, yes, but now they "run" you before issuing a HAZ endorsement. However, I believe they're looking for "terrorist" type bad guys to keep from being able to get into HAZ transportation, not your everyday neighborhood wife beater/bank robber/car thief. Jimmy

Jul 04, 2010
Why Not?
by: John H

Why Not? As far as I am aware -obtaining a Hazmat Endorsement is simply a question of completing a Written Test?-successfully of course!! At least in New York State it is!

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