Can a semi driver loose his cdl for being arrested for domestic violece

by lisa
(kansa cit, MO)

My boyfriend, who is a semi driver physical abused me in his truck, I had to call an ambulance for my injuries and he was arrested for domestic violence.

Will he loose his cdl?

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Jan 17, 2020
Depends NEW
by: Anonymous

If you was being a hoe no, if he did it under circumstances of the job being stressful it’s a great possibility. If you went to the hospital that’s aggravated domestic violence and most the time a weapon is in play in these aggravated DV. So he will be facing some serious prison time either way. 5 years minimum for and violent weapon charge. A felony in general would make him ineligible for 80% of jobs as a truck driver let alone it being so violent. Again it depends on the situation a lot of company’s will over look the rule if you deserved it. Which from my experience with law 95% of women or men in DV cases deserve it. So again don’t count him out, but don’t worry about him being able to get a job easy now.

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